
Gain, Offset and Limit settings for station N706107

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Security Key from the security tag supplied with the station/logger.

ChannelGainOffsetGraph Low LimitGraph High LimitRe-scale existing data
Volumetric Soil Moisture 1
Soil Temperature 1
Volumetric Soil Moisture 2
Soil Temperature 2

Notes:This should only be changed if you are sure about what youre doing.
Gains and offsets are in a Y=mX+C format
Y is the new value to be recorded
m is the Gain value
X is the reading from the sensor
C is the Offset
Gain:Defaults to 1.0, this means the value from the sensor is not re-scaled.
Offset:Defaults to 0, this offset is applied AFTER the sensor value has had the Scale(Gain) applied.
Limits:Defaults to not shown. This is the hourly limit. (may be multiplied up to daily or weekly by some graphs).
High Limit (Week):Only used for Water Meters. Defaults to not shown. This is the Total Weekly limit.
Update:Save any changes you have made by clicking the "Update" button. (Note Security key must be valid)
Rescale: If you change the scale or offset, this will become enabled, if you tick this field the new scale and offset will be allplied to all existing data for this logger.
Note if the scale was 2 and you change it to 3, this will rescale the data by 1.5.